Friday 30 April 2010

Its alive! I had to get Mcgow to sort out my style sheet because i am useless. I'm really happy with how its come out though. Simple and clean with a little bit of branding (this seems to be in the form of courier and black boxes).

I have included my dissertation quotes type posters, all on corrugated cardboard. I had a variety of stocks but i think the brown is a relevant stock choice to put on my website.

Panoptic posters! I am really happy with the photos of these and they're over all outcome. It was fun to use more than just black and red in their production as well.

Right. These photos are rubbish. I will take new ones. I need to try and find all the t-shirts. I think there are some in durham. Slightly disorganised, but this doesnt look professional at all. I might even take them down for the moment.

Again, i could do with better photos of my lokimazine. They're small and have that weird background i liked for a while. Doesn't look very professional though. I'm thinking of taking photos of every double page spread.

Links to music and friends!

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